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10 year-ish Reunion May 30-31 in Nueva York |
RPCV Raj writes... Well, the details are finally settled! Come one, come all to the Peace
Corps-Ecuador 10th (give or take) Reunion! Everyone is welcomed - significant
others, children, and friends. People are coming from Portland, Scandanavia,
Grenada, and even from New Jersey!!! Here are the
DINNER... Buffet is to start at 8pm on 5/31/08 at Barzola
Restaurant in Jackson Heights (map link). There will be
an appetizer, choice of entree, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverage, which will
cost about $26 (plus tip), with cash bar. Sometime around 10pm or so, an
Ecuadorian Karaoke DJ sets up and the place turns into more of a dance club.
Then we can dance and drink the night away.
HOTEL... I'm recommending
the Pod Hotel (www.thepodhotel.com) in mid-town Manhattan. Kind of like a hip
trendy Maple, it seems, and prices as good as anywhere else. But call them and
reserve fast! It is a popular place and is filling up fast for that weekend!
They don't offer any specific group rate, so just call and book now! Or if you
prefer another option, give Edward Marshall a call at 917-207-9747 for
ARRIVING EARLY??? Edward Marshall is throwing a party Friday
night at his place - 100 West 81st Street, #5A, NY,NY 10024 (phone
917-207-9747). Then maybe some kind of BYOB gathering in Central Park Saturday
MOST IMPORTANTLY... I need to confirm an exact head count and
put down a large deposit for the restaurant. So I need you to commit by sending
me $40 per person (to cover food, tips, incidentals, and Paypal fees) by
midnight Thursday 5/22/08. If you have a Paypal account, pay me using
rajayyagari@gmail.com as my account ID. If you don't have a Paypal account,
email me with the number attending and I will send you a Paypal email invoice. I
will of course refund any unused money if we go under budget.
So come on
over and join us... Tengan la bondad. No sean malitos... | |
FOE Web - Mon 12 May 2008 13:34 |
10 year-ish Reunion May 30-31 in Nueva York |
RPCV Raj writes... Well, the details are finally settled! Come one, come all to the Peace
Corps-Ecuador 10th (give or take) Reunion! Everyone is welcomed - significant
others, children, and friends. People are coming from Portland, Scandanavia,
Grenada, and even from New Jersey!!! Here are the
DINNER... Buffet is to start at 8pm on 5/31/08 at Barzola
Restaurant in Jackson Heights (map link). There will be
an appetizer, choice of entree, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverage, which will
cost about $26 (plus tip), with cash bar. Sometime around 10pm or so, an
Ecuadorian Karaoke DJ sets up and the place turns into more of a dance club.
Then we can dance and drink the night away.
HOTEL... I'm recommending
the Pod Hotel (www.thepodhotel.com) in mid-town Manhattan. Kind of like a hip
trendy Maple, it seems, and prices as good as anywhere else. But call them and
reserve fast! It is a popular place and is filling up fast for that weekend!
They don't offer any specific group rate, so just call and book now! Or if you
prefer another option, give Edward Marshall a call at 917-207-9747 for
ARRIVING EARLY??? Edward Marshall is throwing a party Friday
night at his place - 100 West 81st Street, #5A, NY,NY 10024 (phone
917-207-9747). Then maybe some kind of BYOB gathering in Central Park Saturday
MOST IMPORTANTLY... I need to confirm an exact head count and
put down a large deposit for the restaurant. So I need you to commit by sending
me $40 per person (to cover food, tips, incidentals, and Paypal fees) by
midnight Thursday 5/22/08. If you have a Paypal account, pay me using
rajayyagari@gmail.com as my account ID. If you don't have a Paypal account,
email me with the number attending and I will send you a Paypal email invoice. I
will of course refund any unused money if we go under budget.
So come on
over and join us... Tengan la bondad. No sean malitos... |
FOE Web - Thu 08 May 2008 20:37 |
Maria Eugenia's Retirement |
Dear Ecuador RPCVs, PCVs, staff and friends, I want to announce the retirement of Maria Eugenia Cobo from Peace Corps/Ecuador. Maria Eugenia has been with Peace Corps almost 34 years and has made the decision to retire at the end of December, 2007. We will be very sad to see her go but know she has left Peace Corps Ecuador a better place. Not only has Maria Eugenia been the backbone of this office but has also been an incredible support to both PCVs and staff. Therefore, we'd like to put together a book to thank her for everything she has done for each of us over the years. Please send any pictures, good stories, anecdotes, thoughtful words, ways she has been helpful to you, etc to Dana Platin- dplatin@ec.peacecorps.gov by the end of October 31, in order to be able to put together this thoughtful retirement gift. Thank you, Dana Platin Deputy Director Program & Training Officer Peace Corps Ecuador |
FOE Web - Sun 02 December 2007 15:38 |
2006 Peace Corps Ecuador Calendars On-Sale Now |
2006 Peace Corps Ecuador calendars sponsored by the volunteers are on sale now for $12 including postage to the United States. Here is a link to last year's calendar information. Friends of Ecuador is happy to provide on-line credit card orders for the calendars. Order on-line with us, and we'll make sure Peace Corps Ecuador receives your order and the funds in due course, all of which will be dedicated to support volunteer projects. Order on-line here! |
FOE Web - Fri 09 December 2005 12:17 |
Headlines on Ecuador from English-language papers |
Click on 'read more' for up-to-date news feeds related to Ecuador ... |
FOE Web - Sat 13 August 2005 02:16 |
GAD Raffle Results and Winners |
On behalf of Gender and Development (GAD) Committee of Peace Corps
Ecuador and our partners at Club Kiwanis Chiquiragua, we would like to
extend a big thank you to all of those who contributed to the annual
raffle to support our Ecuadorian Women’s scholarship fund. Thanks to
many generous donors, we were able to raise more than $5,800 in our
annual raffle. This money will help sponsor over 70 motivated, yet
economically disadvantaged young Ecuadorian women graduate from high
school. These young women now have opportunity to use their education
in ways to better the lives of other fellow Ecuadorian women and men.
We will also use the funds to sponsor our other programs, such as the
3-day outdoor camp and leadership conference for the girls.
The winners of the 2005 GAD RAFFLE were:
Suisshotel dinner for two, Robert Carter Dunn
Ceuce Winebar lunch for two, Mary Tyson
Lynn Brewer
Patrick Fraser
The Brothers Karamazov in Spanish, Lynn Brewer
American Airlines round-trip airline ticket, Myrene Brown
Congratulations to all of our winners and to the rest, keep up your
generous spirit for next year’s raffle. Thank you again to all of our
donors and those whose efforts have made a difference in the lives of
many young Ecuadorians. |
FOE Web - Sat 30 July 2005 23:16 |
Francisco Garces' Thank You to RPCV's |
Long-time Natural Resources APCD Francisco Garces recently retired. We want to congratulate Francisco for his many years of dedicated and talented service, for having nurtured scores of volunteers. Steve Church, Omnibus 75, has recently been hired as the new APCD, and we wish him much success. Francisco’s shoes will be hard to fill! RPCV’s sent Francisco a book of photos and remembrances (some of which will soon be posted soon on the site). Francisco thanked volunteers with these words: "Queridos Ex Voluntarios: Al medio dia de hoy durante una despedida que el Staff del Cuerpo de Paz de Ecuador tuvo la gentileza de preparar tuve la sorpresa de recibir de manos de María Eugenia Cobo el libro de memorias de mi trabajo con el Cuerpo de Paz, enviado por Uds. La emoción que me embargó fue enorme. Al leer sus mensajes y ver las fotos mi corazón se conmovió tanto que lo único que pude hacer fue derramar lágrimas. A través de la lectura del libro pude sentir su cariño y su aprecio por mi trabajo que no era otro que apoyarles para que Uds.a su vez brindaran su apoyo a inumerables agricultores, niños, profesores, guardaparques, jefes, muchos de ellos difíciles, ONGs, municipios, ministerios y mas. Al tiempo que les agradezco por tal gesto único, les quiero en esta ocasión asegurar que sus esfuerzos no fueron en vano. Cuando visiten al Ecuador nuevamente, podrán ver miles de alisos, pachacos, laureles, pinos, cipreces, guayacanes, acacias, chanules y mas, que están creciendo vigorosamente. Quizás mas importante, podrán hablar con muchas personas con las cuales Uds trabajaron que entienden sobre la importancia de los árboles, agroforestería, viveros, y sobre los beneficios de areas protegidas, bosques naturales, biodiversidad, vida silvestre y mas, y que en muchos casos también están obteniendo beneficios económicos, por ejemplo, a través de actividades de ecoturismo. El haberles conocido a través del Cuerpo de Paz fue una oportunidad única para mi y que la llevaré en mi corazón hasta el fin de mis dias. Quiero desearles a cada uno de Uds. y a sus familias mucha salud, mucha paz, y toda la energía necesaria para que puedan seguir haciendo todo lo posible, dondequiera que estén, para conservar este también único planeta. Con un abrazo muy fuerte me despido hasta pronto Francisco" |
FOE Web - Tue 19 July 2005 00:31 |
Protests held in three provinces - "Ecuador Focus" July 11, 2005 |
Protests held in three provinces While a province-wide protest in Manabí absorbed most of the government’s attention last week, strike also took place in the northern-central mountain region and in the Amazon. In all three cases, local residents were demanding that the national government complete infrastructure projects and other works. In some cases, protestors were demanding that the government fulfill promises made by the previous administration of Lucio Gutiérrez. The Palacio administration was able to negotiate in all three cases to lift the strikes. These will probably be the first of many to come, however, as communities continue to demand that sometimes unrealistic offers made by the Gutiérrez administration be fulfilled. The Palacio administration has charged that the protests are being organized by Gutiérrez supporters only trying to make trouble for the new officials. Along the coast, residents blocked roads and practically shut down transportation and commerce from Monday to Friday to demand road improvements and other projects. Losses for the productive sector were estimated in about $2 million per day. The protests in an area seen as a bastion of support for Gutiérrez were also a sign of rejection for the new administration. The protest were meant to be only temporary as a “warning” to Palacio when they began on Monday, but some defiant words from Interior Minister Mauricio Gándara led local authorities to declare it permanent. After insisting that local authorities at least call a temporary halt to the protests, the government agreed to provide at projects worth about $62 million to the province through 2006. In the Amazon region, protests in which local residents blocked access to some oil fields in the central Amazon region near Shushufindi began Monday and ended Wednesday night. The residents of the poor region, who demand work and infrastructure projects, have agreed not to take over any more oil wells. Another negotiation session with the government is set for Monday. The state oil company so far agreed to hire 70 local residents to work as janitors and guards. Petroecuador failed to produce 2,454 barrels during the three days of strikes, which affected seven Petroecuador wells. The protests also blocked some access road used by private companies Occidental Petroleum Co., Repsol YPF, Petrobras and EnCana Corp., but the companies have not confirmed or not if their production was affected. To the north of Quito in the province of Imbabura, indigenous residents blocked part of the Panamerican Highway beginning Monday afternoon to demand a faster execution of a potable water project. The government agreed to their demands and the road blocks were removed Wednesday. Weekly analysis available on subscription to "Ecuador Focus" Please direct comments, queries and subscription inquiries tomailto:info@ecuadorfocus.comTel: (593) 2-255-1580/(593) 9- 600-1634 Hungria 354 Quitowww.EcuadorFocus.com |
FOE Web - Mon 11 July 2005 11:19 |
Galápagos fishermen prepare for sea cucumber season |
From Ecuador Focus June 6, 2005
Restrictions on catching valuable sea cucumbers were lifted last week after fishermen in the Galápagos threatened for several months to strike over the issue. The management board of the Galápagos National Park authorized a fishing season of 60 days to start June 12 during which time up to three million sea cucumbers can be collected. The echinoderm fetches high prices because it is prized in Asia for its supposed properties as an aphrodisiac. The management authority had initially planned to ban sea cucumber fishing during 2005 and 2006, but Environment Minister Ana Alban said that the prohibition was being lifted mainly due to social and economic pressures. Environmental organizations have warned that this fishing season will only further deplete the sea cucumber population. During the fishing season in 2004, fishermen did not even meet a limit of four million which was initially established before being overturned by a local court. This practically annul battle over sea cucumber fishing is one of the constant conflicts between local residents who wish to see more development in the protected islands and those who wish to conserve them. |
FOE Web - Sun 05 June 2005 23:48 |
NPCA/Oxfam Need RPCV's from Virginia for Make Trade Fair Campaign |
As an RPCV, you know first hand the intricate connection between trade, development and poverty. With your support, NPCA is continuing to address rural poverty around the globe by collaborating with Oxfam America to Make Trade Fair. We are gearing up a multi-year campaign in Virginia and want to share our plan with you as well as hear your thoughts and ideas on the issue! As a result of huge US and EU agricultural subsidies, the price of products such as cotton and rice have been lowered on the world market, forcing millions of farmers in developing countries into dire straits. Meanwhile, here in the US, subsidies unfairly favor large corporate farming interests – over the struggling family farmers who really need the help. You are in a unique position to use your first-hand knowledge of the developing world and your power as a US citizen to speak out for fair trade policies that support family farmers here and abroad. You voice counts! Join fellow NPCA and Oxfam activists to learn more about the issue and ways that you can make a difference in your very own district. - Richmond, VA Wed., June 8th 7:00pm
- Charlottesville, VA Thurs., June 9th 7:00pm
- Roanoke, VA Fri., June 10th 7:00pm
Light refreshments will be served. Please feel free to bring family and friends as well as forward this invitation on to others who may be interested. Your involvement will help us continue our commitment to addressing poverty by supporting the neediest farmers from central Africa to central Virginia. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Jayne Thomisee
Contact Jayne about participating in any of these meetings at jayne@rpcv.org |
FOE Web - Wed 01 June 2005 10:09 |
Ecuadorian expats in DC |
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