In 2002, Friends of Ecuador supported six organizations with donations totaling $4,600. 1. Jatun Sacha ($1,000). This environmental group combines protected preserves (in the oriente, mountains, and coast) with educational programs for young people and agro-forestry program for adults. 2. World Computer Exchange ($1,000). They provide used computers to schools and non-profits in the developing world and are just opening their first program in Ecuador with a planned 450 machines. 3. Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio (FEPP) ($1,000). Organizes and assists low income communities, especially indigenous groups, with development programs that respond to their priorities and that defend their cultural rights. Based in Quito and in existence since 1970, it is one of the three groups funded that receive ongoing grant and management assistance from the Resource Foundation. 4. Peace Corps Partnership ($600 to be divided among the next three projects accepted by the Partnership). This program encourages volunteers to apply for grant funding, usually in their hometowns, for small development projects in which there is significant local assistance of materials or sweat equity. 5. Fundacion Guayaquil ($500). A micro-business support system, including training and credit to increase production and income. It runs two basic programs, one for existing businesses and the second for assisting low-income entrepreneurs in creating new businesses. 6. Viviendas Del Hogar de Cristo ($500). Located in Guayaquil, they build pre-fabricated homes and provide a revolving loan fund for purchasers. They have helped build 26,000 homes since 1971 and also provide employment training. |