Un “feliz cumple!” al ‘Donde no hay doctor’

Happy Birthday, Where There Is No Doctor!
Hesperian Health Guides invites you to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Where There Is No Doctor with others who know and love the book! Join us for two free events co-hosted by local Returned Peace Corps Volunteer groups:
Where There Is No Doctor‘s 40th Anniversary Party
Co-hosted by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Northern California
Thursday, September 19th
Berkeley, CA
Co-hosted by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, October 15th
Washington, D.C.
Please come and share stories about your Peace Corps experience, network with other RPCVs, and meet and greet Hesperian staff and board members.
Another way to celebrate this landmark year is by  sharing your story on Hesperian’s website or with other RPCVs through the group ” Friends of Where There Is No Doctor.” Your contributions help make future editions of the book even more useful for community health workers, teachers, volunteers, PCVs, and others worldwide who rely every day on Hesperian information to support healthy families and communities.
Hesperian Health Guides is a small nonprofit organization and depends on your support to keep our books updated and translated. Please consider purchasing a book or making a donation today.

2 thoughts on “Un “feliz cumple!” al ‘Donde no hay doctor’”

  1. Eduardo 'ED' Delci

    I read your info messages & updates with great interest after serving in Ecuador V in the Village of Llacao, Azuay, from’63’to’66, where I was involved in a CD & school construction program with the Ministry of Education, working with Sr. Justo Andrade, Regional Director, who by concidence also studied at my Alma Mater, Arizona State University, when it was a Teachers’ College (ASC).

    My 2.8 yrs. of service was most rewarding because both girls and boys (together) were able to complete their primary education(6yrs.), allowing them to then continue their education in the provincial cites of Cuenca or Guayaquil through ‘la Secundaria’ en la Normal (teachers) or other vocational pursuits at the ‘Preparatoria’, which was the parents’ dream. They worked extra hard on the construction project to complete the school/escuela ” Gonzalos S. Cordova”. The school was dedicated by the Ecuadorian Minister of Education and it was a historical event for the Village of Llacao, Azuay.

    Interestingly, the local priest, Dr. Cabrera, was opposed to the school being completed because girls & boys should not go to the same school together; and demanded my removal from Llacao, and stated such to the Peace Corps Regional Director, Dwight Bookout. Sr. Andrade, the Mayor of Cuenca and other authorities responded in my defense, and we were able to complete the school for an October 25, 1965 inauguration.

    Thank you for this opportunity.
    Eduardo ‘ED’ Delci. EC V ’63-’66
    Kino Springs/Nogales, AZ

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