January 2, 2015

Ecuador tries to encourage its diaspora to return

The Christian Science Monitor reports that Ecuador is trying to encourage its diaspora to return home:

There are almost 100,000 Ecuadoreans residing in Italy, and Spain and the United States are home to nearly 500,000 Ecuadoreans each. But pushed by the ongoing economic weakness in Europe and unemployment in the US, and pulled by booming social spending in Ecuador, a growing number of migrants are returning to their home country.

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Inspector General report on China PCV who Died

In August, we reported on the China PCV Nick Castle (pictured above) who died from an undiagnosed intestinal disorder in 2013. In November, the Peace Corps inspector general released their report on what went wrong.

Here are some of their conclusions from a New York Times story:

The inspector general’s report, which has not been made public, cites numerous medical lapses strongly suggesting that Mr. Castle’s death could in fact have been prevented, although it does not explicitly blame the Peace Corps.

More broadly, the report calls on the Peace Corps to make changes to its health care system, including giving its doctors more thorough training in gastrointestinal illnesses, the most common health complaint from volunteers. It also suggests the agency improve record-keeping.

Let’s hope the Peace Corps has heard these concerns and made sure nothing like this happens again.

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RPCV Legislative Victory – Equity Act

For female volunteers, one of the major risks of service is sexual assault and rape. Up until recently, volunteers who were raped and became pregnant had to pay for their own abortions if that is what they chose. This was unique to Peace Corps as military service members did not have to self-fund their own reproductive health in such horrible circumstances.

In December 2014, language to correct this imbalance was included in the appropriations bill: …

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