
Alto Coca Trip Report from Keteka

Last newsletter, we featured a story on the new conservation tourism spot Alto Coca, founded by friend of Friend of Ecuador Mark Thurber. We also featured a post from a new adventure tourism website called Keteka. Well, in the interim, we were able to hook Keteka up with Alto Coca for this stirring trip report. We’ve grabbed the story from Keteka’s website. Check out their page for some photos and video.

Last night, I saw an active volcano erupt and I’ve since nominated it Coolest Thing I’ve Ever Seen. I’ve been to 19 countries in the world and seen some pretty cool stuff along the way, so I don’t award that title lightly. Let me explain how I had the privilege to see this.

Alto Coca Trip Report from Keteka Read More »

Keteka – Adventure Travel Guide


My name is Jason Kreiselman, and I’m an RPCV from Omnibus 99.

I’m working with a few other RPCVs on an online, community-based adventure travel guide that leverages the Peace Corps network to promote underdeveloped communities as tourist destinations. The website is if you want to check it out. It’s still in the development stages, but it’s slowly coming together. Right now, one of the Keteka founders is in Ecuador and he’s trying to connect with current PCVs to identify sites that could potentially benefit from responsible tourism or would otherwise like to help the effort in any way.

If you are a current PCV or know of any current PCVs living in an interesting community that has some tourism potential, could you get in touch with Jack at or on his local cell at 095-885-6172 (feel free to just ring and he’ll call you back so you don’t waste your saldo!). Also, if you are an RPCV with strong connections to a community that you think has tourism potential, please get in touch with Jack!

PLEASE feel free to forward this message along or post it in any other PC

Ecuador forum that you know of.



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