Here Comes the Summer

Apologies for the radio silence from Friends of Ecuador. Ben Bellows has moved from Kenya to Zambia where he works with Population International. I’ve been finishing up the end of the semester here in Austin at the University of Texas. Send us any interesting content if you have news about Ecuador, Peace Corps, or a combination thereof.

I recently caught up with RPCV Nate Brown from my group Omnibus 77. We served from 1997-1999 (in some cases like Nate’s a little longer). He reminded me that we’re now around 18 years since we served in Ecuador which is just crazy to think about. My cohort is now firmly middle-aged on the whole, most of us now in our 40s, settled down with families, kids, mortgages. I hope there is still some adventure out there and a sense of purpose.

I’m hearing some chatter on Facebook about our group trying to get a reunion together. Are any other Omnibus groups reuniting? Anyone making trips to Ecuador?

What do you miss most about your Peace Corps experience?

2 thoughts on “Here Comes the Summer”

  1. I was also in omnibus 77 in Pallatanga and in Carchi. I live in Nashua NH and work for a board of health in MA. I am still happily married to my Ecuadorian wife, Yesenia, who is from Riobamba. We have two boys. I’ve always wondered how some of the other couples faired. I haven’t heard from anybody, other than a few posts on FB.
    I was just in Ecuador this summer, the roads are much nicer and many of the cities are bigger but its still Ecuador for sure. I’d certainly consider any reunion and like others, I am amazed its been that long since we all were down there.

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