Fundraising Appeal from PCVs for Gender Empowerment Camps

Feb 3, 2016 update. Thanks to all of you. This project is now fully funded. Friends of Ecuador made a $500 donation, and along with other individual donations, this project was able to raise the $7700 for the camps to go forward. We should be hearing news of how the camps went in coming weeks. We also hope that this proves to be a model for succesful collaboration between RPCVs and Peace Corps Ecuador going forward. Thanks to all of you who supported this effort! 

We just received this fantastic fundraising appeal from PCVs in Ecuador to support GLOW camps for gender empowerment. Three volunteers on the coast — Jackie Urban in Bahia, Julia Schiffman in Pajan, and Yajaira Hernandez in Portoviejo — are organizing camps to be held in February 2016 to help young girls be aware of their rights and the impact of gender roles in their community. Please make your tax-deductible donation now by the end of January so camps can go forward righty away. Click on Girls Leading Our World link at the bottom of the linked page.

See below for a more detailed description. 

The primary goal of GLOW is to facilitate growth and empowerment via leadership and healthy lifestyle choices. We seek to conduct activities for girls ages 13-19 so they become aware of their rights and the impact of gender roles in Ecuador, their community and the media. We will reflect on the representation of women and have them recognize how it affects their daily lives. Additionally, we will focus on having the girls reflect and establish appropriate behavior in regards to self-esteem, body image, communication and relationships. This will help them facilitate healthier relationships as they will be able to identify and distinguish what is appropriate behavior and treatment. Another main focus is to aid them in identifying the skills they have and which of those can be used as a driving force for a career. This will allow them to become more active citizens and in return reduce the probability of them becoming future victims.

The Ecuadorian community will support GLOW by being present during the entirety of the planning process and camp itself, as we will have Ecuadorian facilitators, presenters, and sponsors. The facilitators will be from the same communities as the girls. They belong to various organizations such as a shelter for girls, and other NGO’s. The end result will be that the girls will leave the camp not only aware of gender, how they are affected by it, and how to cope with it, but also what changes they can affect for a brighter future. They will continue to work towards identifying inequality and bringing awareness to the issues with the assistance of the volunteer and ultimately of the Ecuadorian facilitator in their community.

2 thoughts on “Fundraising Appeal from PCVs for Gender Empowerment Camps”

  1. I was a PC volunteer in Ecuador 1966-69. Have returned to this beautiful country with family several times to visit my former students and their families.Ecuador has had so many PC programs, but this grabs me immensely. The gender gap is being addressed which your program so readily addresses. Wishing you the best.
    Please keep me posted on your endeavors. I receive Friends of Ecuador newsletter and hope you will continue to contribute your updates. Will also be donating.

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