Peanut Sauce

Mary Weick-Brady brings us another recipe, following on her earlier recipes for hot chocolate and use of parsley. Who did not have peanut sauce when they lived in Ecuador?  Here’s a great recipe for that peanut sauce that will bring back many memories.

Salsa de Mani

1 taza de cebolla blanca, picadita
3 cucharadas de culantro, picadita
1 cucharadita de comino molido
1/2 cucharadita de pimienta molido
3 cucharadas de aceite achiote (manteca de color)
4 onzas de mani tostado y licuada con
1 litro de leche
1 aji (entero)
2 huevos cocidos, picaditos


1. En una olla ponga el aceite, achiote, cebolla, culantro, el aji (entero), sal, comino, y pimienta.  Haga un refrito, ponga el librillo picado.

2. Agregue el mani y la leche, haga hervir 20 minutos.

3. Retire del fuego y agregue el huevo picado.

4. Come a su gusto!

Peanut Sauce

1 cup white onion, minced
3 tablespoons cilantro, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
3 tablespoons colored oil (if you can find achiote); if not, regular oil
4 ounces toasted peanuts,  liquefied with
1 liter of milk
1 garlic (in whole)
2 eggs, cooked and minced

to Prepare:

1. in a bowl, put the oil, achiote, onion, cilantro, garlic, salt, cumin, and pepper.  Mix thoroughly.

2. Mix in the peanuts and milk and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Remove from the heat and mix in the minced eggs.

4. Enjoy however you’d like!

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