Celebrate 40 Years by Joining Friends of Where There Is No Doctor!
Where There Is No Doctor turns 40 this year, and RPCVs have formed a group called Friends ofWhere There Is No Doctor to celebrate. Over the past 40 years, Peace Corps Volunteers have used Where There Is No Doctor to teach and practice community health in their host countries, saving lives and improving health along the way. After completing their time in Peace Corps, many volunteers feel moved to continue to improve access to Where There Is No Doctor.
Here are two examples:
- Mali RPCVs have started the Dokotoro Project, to make Where There Is No Doctor
available in Bambara, a local language in Mali.
- Ethiopia-Eritrea RPCVs have committed to sending HIV and AIDS health information to the communities where they served through the Legacy Program with Hesperian’s Gratis Books program.
How can Hesperian resources help YOUR host country? Join Friends of Where There Is No Doctor on facebook to share your idea, find friends, and collaborate.
This group is free to join, and open to all RPCVs who are interested in contributing to community health–even if you didn’t use Where There Is No Doctor. If you have any questions, contact Soraiya Gessling (Madagascar ’10-’12) at RPCV@hesperian.org
You can also find out more about Hesperian’s work with the RPCV community at www.hesperian.org/rpcv.