Last chance – Peace Corps Ecuador Calendars and Update

2014 Peace Corps Ecuador calendars are for sale through the end of this week. For those of you who have ordered calendars, volunteers returning home to visit family over the holidays are mailing them in the coming days. Support the work of Peace Corps Ecuador with your purchase of these full-size color calendars featuring pictures taken by current volunteers. Proceeds go to support small project grants and volunteer activities funded through the Volunteer Advisory Council in Ecuador. Past grants have been awarded for the installation of water systems, creation of community libraries, as well as providing start-up capital for numerous other small-scale sustainable projects. Calendars are $10 each. Shipping costs are $5 for each individual order up to 5 calendars to a single address. Calendars can only be shipped within the U.S. Please allow 2-8 weeks for delivery. Contact if you have any questions about your order.

12/15/13 Update. Sales have ended.If you click on the link below, you can buy calendars either through PayPal or if you don’t have a PayPal account, click on the link that says “Don’t Have a PayPal Account.” That should take you to a page where you can enter your Creditcard info.

Last chance – Peace Corps Ecuador Calendars and Update Read More »