Letter from New Peace Corps Ecuador Country Director

Saludos Friends of Ecuador!

As you are probably aware, Peace Corps Ecuador has been undergoing quite a few changes in the past few months. Parmer Heacox, who has led Peace Corps Ecuador for the past three years, has moved on to be the Peace Corps Country Director for Peru, and I arrived at the helm in Ecuador in early November. In addition, our former Director of Programming and Training, Dana Platin, and our Director of Manager and Operations, Joshua Cuscaden, also have moved on to other adventures. So, Peace Corps Ecuador is in the process of incorporating an entirely new leadership team.

A quick note about me, Alexis Vaughn. I am an RPCV from Honduras (‘85-‘87). My career has been pretty evenly divided between the corporate world (IBM & Citibank) and the nonprofit sector (economic development, education and the arts mostly). Here’s a fun fact… 15 years after I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras I became President of Citibank Honduras, one of life’s full-circle moments to be sure.

In November, we also welcomed our new Director of Training and Programming, Greg Jacobs, who joins us after years of development work at Chemonics, and is also an RPCV from Armenia. When our new Director of Management and Operations arrives in March, our team will be complete and, together with our outstanding local staff, we will maintain Ecuador’s position as a jewel in the Peace Corps crown.

Though there have been a few challenges lately such as the exit of USAID from Ecuador, Peace Corps continues to enjoy strong relationships with and support from our host country agencies and counterparts. Our volunteers continue to do excellent work in our four program areas (Community Health, Natural Resources Conservation, TEFL, and Youth & Families) and our services remain in high demand. We just welcomed a new group of 30 excellent trainees to the country and look forward to adding to our wonderful record of accomplishment here.

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support of the work we do here at Peace Corps Ecuador.

Warmest Regards,

Alexis Vaughn

Country Director

Peace Corps Ecuador

2 thoughts on “Letter from New Peace Corps Ecuador Country Director”

  1. I was talking with my neighbor Ed Stone about teaching English in Cuenca, Ecuador and he is friends of Michael and Karen Trap (daughter Katie). They mentioned you and your position as Country Director for the Peace Corps. I will be arriving in Ecuador on Sept. 7th. and plan to teach for a year. I would love to meet you during my stay. If you’re going to Cuenca, please let me know. I plan to travel/ explore Ecuador during the December break.
    Looking on the Peace Corps website, I didn’t see any volunteer opportunities less than three months. Does a program exist during spring break? I have been interested in the Peace Corps and would like to support a humanitarian or environmental cause.
    I’ll be staying with Lynne Zelasko 098-422-5134 or 919-600-0299
    Hope you can better inform me of what the Peace Corps is doing in Ecuador.
    Conya Blad

    1. Just a quick reply, Lexie sent us the material for the blog post but isn’t an administrator or affiliated with the blog. I’m going to pass your note on to her directly. Josh Busby, Friends of Ecuador.

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