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New Friends of Ecuador Treasurer Needed

Volunteer Service Position Description:

Works with: Other Friends of Ecuador Board Members
Reports to: Friends of Ecuador Board

Overview of Position:

  • Submit annual affiliation payment to the National Peace Corps Association for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers/Friends of Ecuador affiliate. Provide a summary of work completed for the year.
  • Work with Board members to review and approve new project applications from persons in Ecuador. Provide donations to the approved projects as needed which includes donations from Friends of Ecuador (FOE) and other donations made to FOE on behalf of a designated project.
  • Transfer donations via WISE (secure international banking) or Western Union. Set up accounts if they do not already exist. Monitor the charges incurred for each expenditure.
  • Monitor the monthly bank statement and the PayPal account on the FOE Facebook site. Rectify the budget on a monthly basis. Provide information to the rest of the Board on a quarterly basis.
  • Develop a spreadsheet that monitors income and expenditures for each of the approved projects.
  • Send one-time donations as needed, typically through Western Union.
  • Provide an annual report to the Board which includes a Financial Statement and the spreadsheet.
  • Request and review annual reports from each of the approved project directors.
  • File taxes. The type of filing depends on the amount of money received in the calendar year.


  • Returned Peace Corps Volunteer with experience in Ecuador.
  • Ability to communicate in Spanish as needed – typically projects have been translated.
  • Ability to establish and monitor a spreadsheet.
  • Ability to e-file taxes or learn how to e-file taxes on a yearly basis.

You will be trained on how to use WISE and Western Union. Your name will be transferred to these accounts. Your name will also be transferred to the bank account and statements will come directly to you. Your name will be supplied to the NPCA.

If you are interested, please email

New Friends of Ecuador Treasurer Needed Read More »

Introducing the new Friends of Ecuador

After nearly ten years with our old website, we are delighted to introduce the new Friends of Ecuador webpage. With the amazing design skills of mod.girl.designs, we have fully redone the Friends of Ecuador website. We have a new look and feel to the site with a new logo, new functionality, with greater integration to Facebook and a new newsletter format which will be delivering more regular content. We have strengthened our links with Peace Corps Ecuador and aim to be featuring news from volunteers often, including ways you can support grassroots development in Ecuador. Please encourage your friends and family to visit the new and improved Friends of Ecuador.

Introducing the new Friends of Ecuador Read More »

50th Anniversary Celebration

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps, Friends of Ecuador, led by Tad Baldwin, organized a gathering on September 23, 2011 at the residence of the Ecuadorian Ambassador to the United States. Joined by more than 200 of FOE’s closest friends, the evening was a tremendous success. Tad Baldwin reports on the festivities, and we link to our Flickr feed of photos.


50th Anniversary Celebration Read More »

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