Using the discussion board
How can I post a message on the Members' Forum?
The discussion board, or Members Forum, is located on the righthand side of the site. Only paid members of NPCA or FOE or PCV's can use this function on the website though anyone can read the threaded discussion. A single discussion is referred to as a thread. Think of threads as ongoing conversations on a single topic. You can post your response to existing threads or create new threads for new topic.
How does the Members' Forum replace spam?
Use the Members' Forum in place of sending emails to a membership-wide listserv. Although email-based discussions can reach many members who are interested in your topic, others might be put off by the number of emails any discussion can generate. Friends of Ecuador offers the Members' Forum as a solution to clogged Inboxes. You can create or reply to topics of interest on the website, reaching those who are honestly interested while avoiding unnecessary clutter for other members.
How can I receive an email digest of conversation threads from the Members' Forum?
We are currently investigating the possibility of allowing members to subscribe to a periodic digest from the Members' Forum. You will receive a concise email summary of the conversations generated at the Members' Forum.