The Volunteer service and books seem to go together. Since the 1960s Volunteer activity in Ecuador has inspired and drawn writers from many fields. The current Peace Corps Ecuador PTO, Michael Ketover (Honduras 1993-95, Guyana '95-'96; Crisis Corps/ Dominican Republic 1999), published How to Be a Better Birder in 2000. You'll find purchasing links and a favorable review at Purchases from the site are done through Amazon and a small percentage of the Amazon purchase price will support the site. So if you are thinking of buying a book related to Peace Corps, consider buying it through Other books from Ecuador Volunteers and Peace Corps Ecuador staff can be located at Moritz Thomsen (1965-67) was the one of the earliest and most prolific RPCV writers to come out of the Ecuador experience. His works are: Living Poor : A Peace Corps Chronicle (Buy this book) , Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969; 1990; 1997 The Farm on the River of Emeralds (Buy this book-Hardcover) (Buy this book-Paperback) , NY: Vintage/Random House, 1978; 1979 The Saddest Pleasure: A Journey on Two Rivers (Buy this book), Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1990 RPCV Writers & Readers' Paul Cowan Non-Fiction Award, 1990 for his collected works. From the Center of the Earth: Stories Out of the Peace Corps, contributor, Santa Monica, CA: Clover Park Press, 1991 (Buy this book) My Two Wars (Buy this book) , Steerforth Press, South Royalton, Vermont, 1996 At Home in the World: The Peace Corps Story, contributor, Peace Corps/USGPO, 1996
Other writers and works include:
Brandi, John (Ecuador 1966-68). Chimborazo: Life on the Haciendas of Highland Ecuador, Akwesasne Notes Press, 1976 Brooks, Rhoda and Earle (Ecuador 1962-64). The Barrios of Manta: A Personal Account of the Peace Corps in Ecuador - illustrations by Rhoda Smith Brooks, NY: New American Library, 1965. Cowan, Paul (Ecuador 1966-67). The Making of An Un-American: A Dialogue with Experience - NY: Viking, 1970. Cowan, Rachel (Ecuador 1966-67). Growing Up Yanqui - NY: Viking, 1975. Green, Meredith Schroeder (Ecuador 1967-69). Excerpts from letters home - unpublished. Kleymeyer, Charles David (Peru 1966–68). Father Sun Mother Moon: Stories of Pluricultural Grassroots Development - Quito, Ecuador: Ediciones Abya-Yalam. Mueller, Marnie (Ecuador 1963-65). Green Fires - Curbstone Press. 1999 Poole, Richard (British Volunteer 1960s). The Inca Smiled: The Growing Pains of an Aid Worker in Ecuador. Tarbell, Jim. (Ecuador 1973-75). I Came Not Alone - Mendocino, CA: Ridge Times Press, 1994. Thurber, Mark. Climbing and Hiking in Ecuador, 5th edition. published February 2004. Available on Amazon. Wederspahn, Gary M. (Staff: Ecuador 1968–70, Puerto Rico/Ecuador, 1970–73; Deputy Dir, Dir-Guatemala 1973–76; Dir.Costa Rica 1977–78). Intercultural Services: Worldwide Buyer's Guide & Sourcebook, with William Sheridan, Gulf Publishing Co. 2000. |