If you are a Peace Corps volunteer looking for a way to share your story with others, consider "Third Goal" your home. If you are a visitor and would like to read more about Peace Corps experiences, add a few comments to the stories already posted encouraging writers to post more.
Having a voice on the internet is getting easier every day. According to one report, a new blog is created every seven seconds. Sharing your story is no longer the problem; getting heard is.
By participating in a community blog focused on a single topic, your voice and stories will be heard by a greater audience. Readers will begin to flock to Third Goal to learn the latest trials and tribulations of a large group of volunteers.
Visitors who know your pen name - your friends and family - can visit a link that contains just your most recent posts. Strangers who don’t personally know anyone in the Peace Corps, however, receive combined content from all authors in any given region.
By adding your story and voice to Third Goal, you help create a sustainable resource that “Help[s] promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans.”
If you are a Peace Corps volunteer looking for a way to share your story with others, consider "Third Goal" your home. If you are a visitor and would like to read more about Peace Corps experiences, add a few comments to the stories already posted encouraging writers to post more.
Having a voice on the internet is getting easier every day. According to one report, a new blog is created every seven seconds. Sharing your story is no longer the problem; getting heard is.
By participating in a community blog focused on a single topic, your voice and stories will be heard by a greater audience. Readers will begin to flock to Third Goal to learn the latest trials and tribulations of a large group of volunteers.
Visitors who know your pen name - your friends and family - can visit a link that contains just your most recent posts. Strangers who don’t personally know anyone in the Peace Corps, however, receive combined content from all authors in any given region.
By adding your story and voice to Third Goal, you help create a sustainable resource that “Help[s] promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans.”