Josh Busby, President
Josh Busby is a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University's Center for Globalization and Governance. He will be a fellow and lecturer at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas-Austin beginning fall 2006. In 2004-2005, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. In 2003-2004, Josh was a research fellow in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. He defended his PhD in Government from Georgetown University in August 2004 where he earlier earned an MA in International Relations in 2002. Josh has written extensively on developing country debt relief, climate change, HIV/AIDS, and American foreign policy. He is Term Member with the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a former member of the board of the National Peace Corps Association. Josh served in the Peace Corps in Ecuador (1997-1999) where he was an agricultural extensionist in the community of San José de Poaló near Ambato. He also worked in Nicaragua (Summer 1994, Spring 1996) and consulted for the Inter-American Development Bank (2000). Prior to the Peace Corps, he was a Marshall Scholar at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, England) where he completed a second BA (with Honors) in Development Studies (1993-1995). He completed his first BA (with Highest Distinction) at the University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill in Political Science and Biology.