Ecuador Newspapers One can find information about Ecuador through the Ecuadorian embassy's website as well as the US Embassy in Ecuador and USAID's Ecuador site. Another important site for information about Ecuador's financial status is the International Monetary Fund. The Returned Volunteer community maintains a loose collection of news sites. Articles can be found at Peace Corps On-line. The Peace Corps agency also offers news releases on their website. The Economist has the most comprehensive source of analysis on Ecuador. Some articles are by subscription, but there are great links from this site. The Economist also has up-to-date wire stories from Ecuador. The Washington Post also keeps a collection of wire service articles on Ecuador. Peace Corps Volunteers blog anonymously to the Third Goal. Great resource for unvarished perspectives on Peace Corps service. Check out foreign media perspectives on the US. translates media to English and posts from a wide variety of sources. The Congressional coup of 2005 as reported by Greg Palest. |